Penal Colony (PC) UY 64/71 popularly called «Jaslyk», as it is located in a village named «Jaslyk», (Kungrat region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan), which is in the northwest of Uzbekistan. Initially, it was known that PC was created for the detention here people who considered by Government as enemies of the country. For this category of people the authorities treated the members of opposition parties and movements, human rights defenders, independent journalists, and businessmen who lead its business independently from the government and not by the rules established by the officials from the government, which demanded that the businessman should share with them their income or businessman who claimed to any position in the government. For example, since 1997 in CP resided Rustam Usmanov, Ph.D. in Economic, the author over 300 articles, pamphlets, and books, a businessman who created »Rustam-bank» – the first private bank in Uzbekistan. His only fault was that he has written a letter to the head of the State and in that letter, he proposed his candidacy for the post of Prime Minister in order to lead the country out of economic crisis.

Later Government has started sent to PC ‘‘guilty’’ Khokims (Heads of district administrations, cities, and regions), prosecutors, and employees of National Security Service (NSS). At this time, among the prisoners can be seen the former prosecutor of Jizzakh region Ravshan Mukhitdinov, the former Khokim of Samarkand region Azamkhon Bahromov and a number of regional khokims. Although the Bekabad city has a special PC, which intended for convicted state officials, nevertheless, from 2005 in PC UY 64/71 appeared team concluded exclusively of government officials. But the main contingents of PC UY 64/71 are the people who have been convicted on religious grounds. Although the authorities of Main Directorate of Penitentiary consistently argued that PC UY 64/71 is a colony with a general regime for prisoners, but in fact, a colony UY 64/71 sets out a general with strict and special regimes for prisoners. In article 49 of the Criminal and Executive Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan is given definition to ‘colonies of special regime’ by the following: (Extract from the Code):
Article49. The colonies of special treatment